Arogansi WNA

~blabber alert

Alkisah seorang awewe berkebangsaan jejeran kauman, yang terus menerus mengeluhkan tentang Indonesia.. padahal dia makan dari tanah Indonesia dan menepakkan kaki2 panjang dan putihnya di tanah air ini.. keluhannya tak henti2nya berkutat tentang:

“aaah.. kenapa kalian orang Indonesia?”…
“Saya tak pernah mengerti jalan pikiran orang2 indonesia”
“Barang ini saya beli di Indonesia, jelek”
“Indonesia dan birokrasinya so stupid… ”
“aah.. Indonesia so stupid ya?”
“Saya tidak bisa makan makanan Indonesia.. banyak gula, MSG, minyak, bla3…”
“Kenapa kalau ujan internet harus mati.. Indonesia…” –> mau bayarin kalo networknya down smua?!?
“aah.. Indonesia A Indonesia B”

Semua semburat caciannya selalu diiringi dengan doa eh.. seringai mengejek.. dan itu yang bkin gedeg..  Bu, kalau tiap hari kerjaannya nyela, kenapa gak pack your bag and go back to your country?

Pada awalnya dia merasa saya berbagi pendapat yang sama mengenai Indonesia dikarenakan saya baru saja pulang dari belajar di negerinya.. But hey.. saya tetap cinta Indonesia walau jauh2 aku menyebrang benua utk menimba ilmu.. dan walau hidup ini sudah disokong oleh pemerintahmu… Mana bisa saya berpihak padamu yang telah menjelek2an negeri ini..

Ada hal yang mungkin luput dari kamusnya.. yakni “ADAPTASI”. Sudah cukup lama loh tinggal di negeri kaya nan indah ini.. gak bisa ya menghargai sedikit? Entah lingkungannya.. entah MANUSIAnya.. Hargailah manusia2 Indonesia.. memang kadang beberapa oknum orang Indonesia logikanya kurang.. tapi bukan berarti semua orang Indonesia itu bego2..

Hari ini yang paling ngeselin adalah ketika dia berceloteh mengenai disiplin bekerja.. Dimana dia menuntut bahwa kita bener2 ga boleh ngerjain yang lain.. dan bahkan kynya ada staf yang kena SP krn buka berita or sumtin.. O__O dan kynya kita kalo ngobrol doang selewatan pasti deh dikomentari dgn nada suara ngejek bin sinis plus frekuensi tinggi “lagi pesta2 ya di sini?” or one time ketika gw lagi dandan di ruangan tmn “vita, gak punya kaca ya di rmh?” (plus seringai mengejek tentunya..) waaah pgn gw jedotin tuh org palanya ke kaca.. dan dia berkata “saya tidak tau ya biasanya di Indonesia masalah disiplin bagaimana.. tapi saya orang jejeran kauman (jadi ikutilah aturan saya pokoknya)..” ngeeeeh? dia lupa kali lagi menepakkan kaki dmn..

Dia selalu merasa paling pintar dan paling sibuk satu institusi.. *ceplaaak!* Jadi ya itu.. udah kerja cape2, cuma dapet komentar2 sinisnya doang.. uugh.. one time teteh di kantin lagi liat HP barang sejenak aja, lalu si kucing naek ke meja tmpat prasmanan makan.. lalu apa yang dia blg “Hei! kamu kerja di sini atau apa? Kerja ya kerja jgn liat HP.. Kalau kita sakit gimana?” eeng.. kucing naek meja doang.. Lebay banget sih.. kasian gw ama teteh kantinnya..

Yang namanya manusia tuh ya.. kan ada dong waktu istirahat.. misalkan dari pagi ampe sore ngajar muluuu.. trus abis itu duduk santai di meja lain masak iya gak boleh? Kalo abis mantengin komputer dari jam 7 mpe jam 3… masak iya ga boleh jalan2 sambil nyemil2 ke ruangan2 lain.. bukan berarti kita males2an kan??? Tapi orang ada caranya masing2 buat ngatur pekerjaannya.. dan STAF != ROBOT.. camkan dong, bu..


Buktinya kau setting email aja tak bisa.. buat table di word aja tak bisa.. gambar di komputer aja masih kalah ama murid2nya sendiri.. ky gitu kok sombong.. kalo internet lagi bermasalah bawelnyaaa ky burung kecekek.. tsk tsk tsk..

Saya juga suka heran dengan orang2 yang noraaak bgt kalo ktemu ama bule.. “bule2! poto2” dll dst.. sok akrab ngajak ngobrol.. pgn dpt suami bule lah dll dst.. biasa aja deh.. jarang mandi tau.. dan WNI itu di negerinya direndah2in.. masak mreka di sini kita tinggi2in? Mereka itu tak punya nilai lebih.. sama2 manusia.. sama2 makan dan bernafas.. cuma mungkin mreka lebih terang kulitnya aja sedangkan kita hideung2.. JANGAN mau direndah2in.. tunjukkin kalo kita tuh bisa! Libaslah para orang2 asing itu.. buat mereka acknowledge kemampuan kita.. jgn malah terlena dgn silau kulitnya..


Get Away from Gemini Men?


If you are one of those who need a constant reassurance in love, then don’t even think of getting close to a Gemini man. He will always be there for you, but it will not be the same as being always there with you. His characteristic profile makes him restless and fidgety; so don’t expect him to be at the same place for too long. Being suspicious wouldn’t do much good either. If you still want to be with him, prepare yourself to accept his impatience. Once you have done this, you will be treated to the company of two, at times three-four men.

A Gemini male has a dual nature, which can get extended to three-four different personalities too. His typical personality traits include friendliness, love for people and getting along with almost everyone. He can talk on any topic under the sun, is an excellent conversationalist and has a witty nature. More often than not, he becomes the life of a party. Are you are thinking of dating him after seeing him at one of these parties? Go ahead, what he displayed at the party was his true self, but then, don’t forget that he has three-four other identities also.

One day, he may bring you flowers, candies and cards without any occasion. The very next, he may not meet you even after confirming the meeting just an hour back. Two days after that, he may turn into your worst critic. Then, suddenly he will be the same guy he was on the first day. You will be treated like a queen and start feeling like one too. Then, one day, he will suddenly propose you and you will forget all that happened in the past and say ‘Yes’! Now comes the main part, when you have to live with a walking-talking enigma.

If you are in love with a Gemini guy, forget terms like stability, security and consistency. In case you are extremely sensitive, it is better to move away now. However, if you can digest his quirkiness without complaining, you will be leading a life full of surprises and at times, shocks. You will be waking up with a different man each day (not literally!), though the change may be for the better. Just stay a little distant from him; too much closeness makes him nervous. Gemini men have a personal side, which they will never share with anyone, not even with their lover.

The best way to extinguish the flame between both of you is to bring monotony and boredom into your relationship. He will run away. He loves, in fact needs, change. Just be as curious and as interested in life, and its different aspects, as he is. He wants a female who can catch up with him mentally. A Gemini man will never mind if you defeat him at his mind games every now and then, in fact he will be thrilled at getting an intelligent partner-cum-competitor. He is not an egoist and will want you to express your intelligence.

A woman with brains turns him on. Geminis tend to move over old friends and make new ones, but that’s because their personality changes so frequently that people find it difficult to cope up with them. They love people and loneliness disturbs them. To win the heart of a Gemini male, just assure him that you are the one who will always be near him, but won’t get too close to him or lean on him. He will gladly take you with him and let you see all that he sees. He is usually generous with money, but may turn stingy at times.

However, his basic nature includes a sharing attitude, in case of money, knowledge, happiness and almost everything. A Gemini man is too idealistic to indulge in adultery and loyalty is something you will not have to worry about. However, he may throw admiring glances at the hot babes on the beach. Just don’t doubt him; it may trigger him to do something he didn’t even think of doing before. You may try as much as you can to hide your suspicions from him, but he will be able to guess and that would make him miserable.

A Gemini guy loves an audience, whether it comprises of males or females. However, it will never go beyond that, unless of course you doubt him. Just like he has male friends, he will have female friends too. It is better if you make them your friends too. Don’t try to bind Gemini men too much and let them have their independence and freedom. In return, they will do the same for you. They make excellent fathers, who are more like buddies to their children. A Gemini man will cuddle them with love, compete with them like a friend and protect them like a father.

However, you will have to take over the responsibility of disciplining them. A Gemini male is not prone to jealousy and he will never be extremely possessive. He will trust you as much as he expects you to trust him. He may lack passion, but he will be full of romance. Just hear the same music he hears and see the same dreams he sees. Is he running? Try to catch up with him. If you get tired on the way, don’t worry. He will stop for you, hold your hand and build up your strength to run with him again!


Flash Disk for Dummies

Flash disk yg bikin laper

USB Flash Disk begitu disebutnya.. ato nick namenya kadang “USB” doang.. walau kadang nickname itu bkin rancu dan gatal2 di kuping.. Rupa2 warna dan bentuknya.. dari mulai berbentuk cincin, gelang, nempel di tembok, yang bkin laper.. yg dijadiin piercing idung ada g yah?

Begitu banyaknya “aduan” tentang flash disk dari murid2 lucu gw.. dan sampe bosen denger:

“miiiiss.. tolong.. flash disk saya gak kebaca.. aduh.. final project saya di situu… hik5…”


“miiiss..  file di flash disk ga bisa dibuka.. Tugas miss ilang smuaaa… hik3..”


miiis… toloong.. file saya di flash disk keapus.. (GUBRAAK!)


Dear anak2ku.. flash disk itu punya umur, ya nak… makanya kalo dengerin lagu di lab jgn suka langsung diplay dari Flash disk.. Udah gitu kalo buka file, jgn langsung dari Flash disk jg yah.. apalg kalo pelajaran2 saya (PS dan AI).. kalo tiba2 Adobenya crash.. “miiiiisss… AI-nya ngambeeek…”  =____=

Jadi Flash Disk itu punya 4 umur:

  1. Umur masa hidup alias ajal (life time)
  2. Umur ketahanan data (data retention time)
  3. Umur siklus tulis-hapus (write-erase cycle)
  4. Umur colok-cabut (connect-disconnect cycle)

Lalu tiba2 murid saya: “Tapi itu flash disk udah dipake lama bgt g pernah knp2 kok miiis..” JUSTRU krn udah lama itu, saatnya dipensiunkan.. dan jgn pernah mengandalkan flash disk sbg penyimpan data utama.. buatlah backup.. di komputer lab kah.. dari komputer 1-30 save smua :p

Lagian udah tau lagi ngerjain final project, bknnya di back up tiap hari.. Dulu aja saya saking parnonya, ngeburn Student Project + Thesis everyday..! dan masih juga diupload ke server dan email.. krn yah.. ajal itu tak tau kapan datangnya.. MWAHAHAHAHAHA (ajal Hardware mksutnya)

Lagian.. hari gene msh pake berpegang teguh pada flash disk.. /:)
gunakanlah Dropbox or something similar..

(mem-post setelah mendapatkan protes dari rekan bahwa post saya sblmnya ‘boring’ :p)

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