So called “patient”

Seperti yang sudah diketahui, yang namanya naik kendaraan umum itu, khususnya angkutan massal seperti kereta, pasti menemukan banyak hal2 menarik. Seperti melihat kehidupan ibukota yang sebenernya.. (ini kalo diterusin, jd lebay :p)

Yah di dalam kereta itu kan isinya macem2 yah, dari mulai yang org kantoran sampe pengangguran.. dari yg BB-an ampe yg jualan jeruk.. dari yang lulusan S3, sampe yg lulusan SD, dari yang normal ampe yang kurang normal, dari yang waras ampe agak2 krg waras… Pokoknya berjubel2 umplek jd satu di kereta..Yang terjadi yah.. macem2.. dari mulai dicopet, dijambret, dimalingsya, digrepe2, ditabok, diinjek, atau dimaki2 tanpa/dengan sebab..

Alkisah seorg bapak2 kantoran yg sedang duduk, dimaki2 oleh bapak2 lusuh.. Perihalnya, si bapak2 yg marah2 ini sensi krn mrasa diomongin.. (pdhal si die aja gr-an bin parno.. dsar ababil).. jadi kira2 bgini pembicaraannya:

Bapak maki2: yada yada yada yada.. PAHAM GAAK??
Bapak mesem2: *tersenyum2 sungging menahan tawa*
Bapak maki2: yada yada yada yada… PAHAM GAAKK??
Bapak mesem2: *masih tersenyum2 sungging menahan tawa*
~ setelah selang bbrp mnit tuh bapak ngomel2 ke bapak mesem2 dan si bapak mesem2 msh mesem2..
Bapak maki2yada yada yada yada yada… CUH!!!
(alamaaak… eeeewwww… najis kaliiiiiy!! )
~setelah si bapak ini buang *peeps* (Oweeeekkk!!) dia ngacir pergi turun.. (yaaaa elaaaah.. udah ababil, cemen lg)
Bapak mesem2: *kaget dan (amazingly) masih tersenyum2 lebih lebaar!!! bahkan hingga tertawa*
Ibu2 di sebelah bapak mesem2: waduh pak! ini pak saya ada aqua, bersiin aja pake aer.. duh.. jijik banget yah, kynya rambut saya jg kena, hrs mandi nih.. (emgnya kalo g ke cuh2, g mandi bu??)

Well sluruh org satu gerbong… bengong dan akhirnya ikut tertawa krn si bapak mesem2 (sang korban) malah  masih cengar cengir sambil cuci muka..
Hallo, pak3.. barusan diludahin loh pak.. *garuk2* yang emosi  malah penumpang lain yg g ada hubungannya… “Wah kalo saya dah saya kejer! tabokin..” hohohooho.. he’s normal..

So.. kok bisa yaaah… sesabar ituu??? bs membuat situasi yang bkin sebel, menjd sebuah lelucon.. mgkn ya bapak mesem2 menganggap aja org yg marah2 itu /maaf/ “gak waras*

Jadi kesimpulannya, jika menghadapi org2 yg bs diblg tdk logis, ato diluar batas kewajaran sbg manusia, anggap aja kafilah berlalu.. dan bersabarlah.. hadapi dgn senyuman.. (gee.. how could I do that)

Ijinkan saya berkeluh kesah

Smua org udah tau lah.. basi bgt.. Idup itu susah lalala lilili.. yah.. standard.. smua org jg ngerain hal yg sama.. Gw berusaha dgn sekuat tenaga g mengeluh mengenai kondisi.. Naek KRL ekonomi, bis non-AC desek2an tiap hr, gw telen aja lah tuh pait2nya idup di Megapolitan.. But “THAT” was just too much to take..

I would say.. It’s about.. A bloody -I really want to  kill and rip off his head- pervert..

It happened in a KRL Ekonomi AC Fan (the AC was broken, so you can imagine the heat).. In a really packed train, there was this kupret who was standing too close from me.. After I shift my body several he was still too close.. Then he made his move.. but “mine” was out of reach.. At first I thought he wanted to pick pocket from my bag.. but.. then I realize what he’s trying to do.. Damn..!! I made a sudden move to the back, covering myself with several people.. (after resenting myself from kicking his dick.. Don’t want to make a scene, too tired..). There’s this lady said that this kunyuk had been following me since I was in St. Depok.. Maaan.. than after some stops, he moved closer… I shoved even deeper to the back of the Wagen (gerbong teh englishnya apah?) then I moved little by little to the next Wagen.. faaar away from him..

Only a lady that seemed helpful enough.. A man standing next to me, didn’t give a damn.. doesn’t even blocking me from him or whatever.. Freaking Megapolitan.. Egocentric people.. So basically I can only depend on myself  (like always).. No one protecting.. No matter how strong I may look, I just simple can’t take it.. I was very angry, but confuse how to react..UUUGH.. I really wanted to cry.. My god, am I that grepe-able?

For once, I really hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the situation that I have to take the freakin’ inconvenient public transport everyday.. Normally, I just hate it.. So.. for once, let me complain publicly..

Jadwal KRL per 1 Maret 2010 [UPDATED]

Ada di Web sitenya KRL Commuter sih…

Tapi sumpah g ngerti make dan bacanya gmn… aneh…  *garuk2* ada yg ngerti?

Sistemnya beda yah ama huhuhu.. ^__^;  jd pusing..
Kynya tetep lbh praktis kalo moto/beli jadwal di stasiun.. lbh manusiawi.. ato saya aja yg kurang cerdas..

Ada yg punya versi softcopy yg bs lbh dimengerti?


Udah nemu.. dikirimin ama untuk Rute Bogor-Jakarta

Atau untuk file excelnya:


Observing the world from another angle

Being used to the order-freak country (read: and then back here to home sweet (catastrophic) country, making me always scream: “What the h***?!??”. The trains are always late, hundreds of people are pushing to get in.. Hallo, erstmal aussteigen, bitte!!, the heat, people are just impatient about everything, yelling, cutting queues, breaking rules, etc that piss the others.

However, riding on those public transports especially the economy train (you know the.. super mega packed and full ones..), makes you see the REALITY: “What are outside your comfortable cars“. You see how people struggle, doing anything from selling unimportant stuffs: drinks, foods, fruits, cleaning train floor, beggars (of course), singing; just to survive in this crazy city. The price of the train is super cheap and the passenger are varied from very poor to middle. Middle are hardly to be found in economy train. They can afford luxurious of express and AC train. The rich ones? some of them use the express, and the rest? They’re busy donating for automobile industries and worsening the global warming. (Here I would like to say: “Iri tanda tak mampu ;p”).

What I’m saying is.. you see a really different world out there that makes you open your eyes and feel grateful. You see the essence of life; what’s the meaning. I really want freeze every moment there, so interesting. But.. ahahaha.. you know exactly what’s the obstacle.. I still love my cam..

New Job New Life New Spirit

It’s bloody tiring.. that bloody economy train.. that bloody snail-like angkot..

Hosh hosh hosh..

Regardless all the transportation problem, it’s actually really fun working here. I don’t know.. less pressure, more dynamic, more room for ideas, and friendly environment. It’s a training center for Garment owned by the German, and fully supported by the German Government and other German companies. I was put under IT department, of course. I am assigned to many different type of tasks, starts from creating teaching materials for vector based technical fashion design (bah! so long), then of course my favorite Website re-design and development, helping other trainers with their teaching materials.. and.. the last thing and definitely not my area yet is.. IT support. Good lord.. that one.. I need a lot of practice.. As an IT staff, I just jammed a laser printer today.. 😐 I didn’t even realize that my LAN cable is loose, I didn’t know how to setup the simple mail client, and other stupid things. Well.. I am just another burden for the IT staff with all my stupid questions.

The other things are.. I learned how to communicate! well.. I know that’s the very purpose of me joining this place. Besides, I get to learn fashion design. That’s both weird and exiting.

Well I hope.. I survive the crazy transportation method. I have to wake up at 4:30 and leaving home not more than 5:20 to catch the 5:30 to Bogor, then transfer to angkot until Baranangsiang Terminal Bogor, then finally I ride the pick up car from the Company. Pheeeewww..

But actually, compare to the other, I might be lucky. Because the train to Bogor is not as full as the one to Jakarta. But, PT. KAI fully support the trains to Jakarta with express train and AC-ed trains, while to Bogor.. yeah.. you know. However, I often get a sit, so it’s not that bad.. (thinking again)… The hardest part is.. THE WAKING UP!! -___-; I feel tired already today, but it’s only my 3rd day. But I think I just have to get use to it.

I just re-arranged the table yesterday, cleaning it (asked the OB to clean it), and settled. Well I hope I would enjoy this work for the next 2 years, until the period of CIM‘s support ends.